Idaho Joins KY for Monumental Change

Jan 17, 2025

The Idaho legislature is taking a giant step in protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman. In doing so, the legislature is stating the obvious about marriage and asserting its right as a state. And that step is directly connected to not one, but TWO of our cases here at Liberty Counsel.  

This development comes just in time for my upcoming oral argument.

Help Liberty Counsel defeat the ID National Guard’s “No Christian Commanders” policy and overturn Obergefell with your gift today.

In 2006, Idahoans voted overwhelmingly to affirm marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The amendment to the state Constitution held until an activist U.S. Supreme Court’s wrongful decision nine years later in Obergefell made up the fiction that marriage is something it isn’t.

Shortly after the Obergefell opinion came out on June 26, 2015, our client Kim Davis went to jail for six days as she awaited religious accommodation so that her name would not appear on marriage certificates. Kim’s case wound up winning religious freedom for ALL Kentucky officials. Yet, Kim faces bankruptcy because two men SUED her civilly for exercising the religious freedom rights she fought so hard to win. I will argue Kim’s case on January 30.

And just this last year, our client, a commander in the Idaho Army National Guard, was relieved of his command because of his Christian beliefs, which uphold the biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman.

Now the Idaho Legislature introduced a resolution demanding the U.S. Supreme Court restore to the states the right to once again affirm that marriage is between one man and one woman and to overturn the Obergefell decision that created this mess.

Idaho State Legislator Heather Scott introduced the measure January 7, saying the High Court had exercised “illegitimate overreach” when it decided the Obergefell case. The legislation demands the Court reinstate the “natural definition of marriage” as between one man and one woman.

If passed, the Resolution would be largely symbolic, but it will be sent to the Supreme Court as reflecting the will of the people of Idaho.

In addition to Kim Davis in Kentucky, the loss of command and abuse our Idaho National Guard client suffered as a result of the Obergefell decision reveals exactly what we have warned about for the last 10 years — that Obergefell would be used to eliminate the religious freedom of Christians.

  • Kim Davis faces bankruptcy for exercising her religious freedom rights.
  • The Idaho Army National Guard officer has lost his command.

Liberty Counsel continues to fight in both of these cases. And, we intend to take Kim’s case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure the LGBTQ lobby can never again erase religious freedom rights. And while we are at it, we are going to ask the Court to overturn the Obergefell decision that created these awful messes.

If we win, these two obedient followers of God will have their lives and livelihoods restored. And states like Idaho may once again have their right to define marriage restored.

But that can only happen with YOUR help. Liberty Counsel NEVER charges our clients because we know that few people could afford to defend themselves and their rights against government gone mad. Instead, they rely on YOU, the faithful Liberty Counsel supporter.

Praise God, a generous supporter has extended a special Challenge Grant to support our work. Every donation made today — including recurring monthly donations — will be DOUBLED in impact by the grant. Please, make your best gift today so that not one more Christian can be sued, fired, or punished for following the will of God.

Pray for Kim Davis, the Idaho commander, and their families. These good people have been punished for their faithfulness to the Lord.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel


Riley, John. “Idaho GOP Urges Supreme Court to Overturn Gay Marriage”. Metro Weekly. January 12, 2025.

‌Stevenson, Ian Max. “Idaho Resolution Pushes to Restore ‘Natural Definition’ of Marriage, Ban Same-Sex Unions.” Idaho Statesman, January 7, 2025.